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Japan Construction Orders Statistics
(Big 50 Constructors)

About Japan Construction Orders Statistics

Release Cycle Monthly Statistics
Reporting Institution Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Release Date the end of the next month
Release Time 14:00 JST(UTC+9)
Recent Update and News
Jul. 31, 2019 - Construction Orders in June

Jun. 28, 2019 - Construction Orders in May

Jul. 31, 2018 - Construction Orders in June

Jun. 29, 2018 - Construction Orders in May

May. 31, 2018 - Construction Orders in April

Apr. 27, 2018 - Construction Orders in March

Mar. 30, 2018 - Construction Orders in February

Feb. 28, 2018 - Construction Orders in January

Jan. 31, 2018 - Construction Orders in December

Dec. 27, 2017 - Construction Orders in November

Nov. 30, 2017 - Construction Orders in October

Oct. 31, 2017 - Construction Orders in September

Sep. 29, 2017 - Construction Orders in August

Aug. 31, 2017 - Construction Orders in July

Jul. 31, 2017 - Construction Orders in June

Jun. 30, 2017 - Construction Orders in May

May. 31, 2017 - Construction Orders in April

Apr. 28, 2017 - Construction Orders in March

Mar. 31, 2017 - Construction Orders in February

Feb. 28, 2017 - Construction Orders in January

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Total Orders Public
Private Sector
Total Orders Manufac
Value Y o Y Val. Y o Y Value Y o Y Val. Y o Y Value Y o Y
Unit: Billions of Yen(Value), YoY(%)
Value Y o Y Val. Y o Y Value Y o Y Val. Y o Y Value Y o Y
May.2018892 -18.7194 -36.9645 -8.0227 40.8418 -22.6
Apr.20181021 4.0247 1.3701 8.3147 7.1553 8.7
Mar.20182272 -4.0589 -13.51543 -1.1300 17.21242 -4.7
Feb.20181248 19.2343 12.6803 18.4216 31.8587 14.1
Jan.2018926 0.9221 28.1608 -11.4144 21.8464 -18.3
Dec.20171379 -8.1326 -9.51012 -1.4261 42.4751 -10.9
Nov.20171138 20.5202 22.0836 15.6188 19.1647 14.7
Oct.20171076 6.7272 -9.4694 -1.2125 6.4569 -2.9
Sep.20171476 -11.6275 -59.61055 8.0194 19.8861 5.7
Aug.2017934 -10.6254 -18.9635 -3.2157 32.9478 -11.0
Jul.20171041 14.9247 31.9737 8.4148 25.3590 4.9
Jun.20171329 2.3378 6.3880 -0.1142 -29.1737 8.5
May.20171097 -0.5307 91.1701 -17.9161 39.0540 -26.8
Apr.2017982 -0.2244 -5.6647 -2.2138 -23.0509 5.5
Mar.20172367 4.0681 8.41560 5.1256 -3.61304 7.4
Feb.20171047 5.7304 27.2678 -1.5164 20.4515 -6.9
Jan.2017918 4.4173 10.5686 6.3118 -10.6568 11.1
Dec.20161500 7.1361 12.41026 8.9184 -1.1843 11.3
Nov.2016945 -6.0165 -38.1723 21.6158 7.8565 26.1
Oct.20161008 15.2227 -7.1707 24.4107 -34.4600 48.2
Sep.20161670 16.3681 136.7977 -9.2162 3.0815 -11.3
Aug.20161044 13.8313 27.7655 9.7118 -36.9537 30.8
Jul.2016906 -10.9187 -23.6680 -5.8118 -44.5562 10.3
Jun.20161299 -2.4355 3.2880 1.9201 31.7679 -4.5
May.20161102 34.5161 -17.8854 51.9116 2.6738 64.3
Apr.2016984 -16.9259 8.6661 -24.8179 -16.4483 -27.5
Mar.20162341 19.8721 13.71523 20.1182 -1.71341 23.8
Feb.2016991 -12.4239 -17.8689 -11.8136 15.8553 -16.7
Jan.2016908 -13.8219 -12.1579 -23.1102 -32.3477 -20.8
Dec.20151400 14.8321 -2.4943 30.0185 39.0757 28.0
Nov.20151004 5.7267 9.0594 -6.0147 19.7448 -12.1
Oct.2015875 -25.2244 -16.7568 -19.8163 15.2405 -28.5
Sep.20151436 6.7288 0.81076 13.4157 -18.4919 21.6
Aug.2015918 -15.6246 -24.4598 7.7187 56.4411 -5.6
Jul.20151017 -4.0245 -14.3722 12.2212 78.7510 -2.8
Jun.20151332 15.4345 -8.9863 21.4153 10.1711 24.1
May.2015819 -7.4 196 -27.5562 10.2 113 -2.4 449 13.9
Apr.20151184 -12.1238 -62.9879 33.6214 52.2666 28.5
Mar.20151954 10.8 634 -7.41268 39.3 185 10.4 1083 45.8
Feb.20151131 1.0291 -23.0781 49.6 117 -4.8 664 66.4
Jan.20151054 27.5249 27.9752 43.6 150 45.4 602 43.2
Dec.20141220 7.5 329 -5.8725 4.6 133 0.4 591 5.6
Nov.2014950 16.9 245 20.9632 32.0 122 23.9 509 34.1
Oct.20141171 15.7 293 41.1708 -2.2 142 47.2 567 -9.8
Sep.20141346 -40.3 285 -32.9948 -45.2 193 -15.0 756 -49.7
Aug.20141088 8.6 325 16.7555 -16.1 119 14.3 435 -21.8
Jul.20141059 24.4 286 52.3643 22.8 119 28.2 525 21.7
Jun.20141154 9.3 378 62.1711 3.6 138 22.3 573 -0.1
May.2014885 13.7 270 55.3510 -6.0 116 4.4 394 -8.6
Apr.20141346 104.9 642 418.4658 35.2 140 62.0 518 29.3
Apr.2014Japan increased its consumption tax
from 5% to 8% on April 1.
Mar.20141763 -8.8 685 39.8911 -27.4 168 -20.7 743 -28.8
Feb.20141120 12.3 378 38.6522 -18.4 123 19.9 399 -25.7
Jan.2014826 15.2 195 13.7524 6.2 103 13.1 421 4.7
Dec.20131135 4.9 349 31.6693 -3.5 133 -10.7 560 -1.6
Nov.2013813 2.2 203 30.3479 -14.7 99 -13.6 380 -15.0
Oct.20131012 61.1 207 56.1724 67.0 96 -13.5 628 94.7
Sep.20132255 89.8 425 51.31730 127.1 227 47.0 1503 147.4
Aug.20131001 21.4 278 23.9661 23.0 104 1.3 557 28.2
Jul.2013851 13.7 188 4.0524 1.6 93 -11.2 431 4.9
Jun.20131056 21.9 233 13.6687 12.4 113 -21.0 573 22.7
May.2013778 26.0 174 32.7542 26.6 111 15.5 431 29.8
Apr.2013657 2.0 124 11.5487 3.2 87 -20.0 400 10.1
Mar.20131934 -3.4 490 -4.81254 -5.1 212 4.8 1043 -6.9
Feb.2013997 16.3 273 11.6639 18.7 103 -2.7 537 23.9
Jan.2013718 -3.7 171 -0.9493 -1.1 91 -2.0 402 -0.9
Dec.20121082 4.8 265 21.5718 2.7 149 -15.0 569 8.7
Nov.2012795 -2.1 156 -2.0561 7.9 114 -3.0 447 11.1
Oct.2012628 -13.8 133 -39.7434 -2.0 111 3.1 322 -3.6
Sep.20121188 3.6 281 -17.8762 0.7 154 -7.7 608 3.1
Aug.2012825 8.7 225 40.3537 2.4 103 -30.5 434 15.4
Jul.2012749 8.0 181 60.9516 -0.4 104 -19.9 411 6.2
Jun.2012866 4.6 205 39.6611 -1.4 143 14.6 467 -5.5
May.2012618 -0.9 131 22.6428 3.7 96 -6.6 332 7.1
Apr.2012644 16.2 111 22.1472 22.6 108 16.5 364 24.6
Mar.20122002 -0.3 515 30.71322 -9.6 202 -1.1 1120 -11.0
Feb.2012858 -1.8 244 18.6539 -7.1 106 -13.7 433 -5.3
Jan.2012745 24.6 173 39.0499 22.6 93 37.8 406 19.6
Dec.20111033 1.5 218 -0.6699 5.8 175 36.9 524 -1.7
Nov.2011812 21.0 159 -10.7520 18.0 118 71.4 402 8.1
Oct.2011729 24.3 220 115.8442 7.1 108 159.7 335 -10.0
Sep.20111147 -9.3 342 31.1756 -14.0 167 4.2 589 -18.0
Aug.2011758 9.3 160 13.5525 5.7 148 65.8 376 -7.5
Jul.2011693 5.7 112 9.1517 12.0 130 15.5 387 10.9
Jun.2011828 6.0 147 -8.0619 13.1 125 45.9 494 7.0
May.2011623 25.5 107 51.6413 20.2 103 61.6 310 10.9
Apr.2011554 31.4 91 31.0385 33.5 93 34.0 292 33.3
Mar.20112008 -11.0 394 -28.21462 -1.4 204 16.6 1257 -3.8
Feb.2011873 19.5 206 -4.7580 21.8 122 57.5 457 14.8
Jan.2011598 -10.7 124 -12.5407 -10.2 68 27.8 339 -15.3
Dec.20101017 13.1 220 26.0660 7.7 128 4.2 532 8.5
Nov.2010671 -5.3 178 10.4441 -2.4 69 6.2 372 -3.9
Oct.2010587 -5.6 102 -44.1413 8.9 42 -31.9 372 16.7
Sep.20101264 -15.0 261 2.3879 -20.5 160 40.5 719 -27.6
Aug.2010694 0.0 141 9.7497 4.7 89 -20.9 407 12.8
Jul.2010656 -0.7 103 -33.5462 2.9 113 -20.0 349 13.4
Jun.2010781 -10.2 160 -10.6548 -0.4 86 -12.4 462 2.2
May.2010497 9.2 70 -13.5344 10.2 64 -18.8 280 19.8
Apr.2010422 -25.0 69 -18.9288 -31.3 69 -25.6 219 -33.0
Mar.20102257 42.3 548 -14.31482 75.3 175 12.1 1307 89.6
Feb.2010730 -20.3 216 -12.8476 -20.2 78 -38.7 398 -15.2
Jan.2010670 15.7 142 13.7453 9.5 53 -25.9 400 17.0
Dec.2009899 0.6 174 -24.7614 -4.8 123 7.0 491 -7.4
Nov.2009709 -11.6 161 27.9452 -25.5 65 -43.3 387 -21.4
Oct.2009622 -40.1 183 -39.4379 -32.7 61 -59.4 318 -23.0
Sep.20091486 -14.0 255 55.71106 -14.1 114 -60.3 992 -0.8
Aug.2009694 -25.2 129 -16.0474 -27.3 113 -25.6 361 -27.9
Jul.2009661 -42.8 155 -24.7449 -47.0 141 -44.6 308 -48.1
Jun.2009870 -28.0 179 -26.9550 -32.2 98 -46.8 452 -27.9
May.2009455 -41.9 81 -2.9312 -48.6 78 -48.3 234 -48.6
Apr.2009563 -25.9 86 12.8420 -28.1 93 -43.1 327 -22.3
Mar.20091586 -37.8 639 46.3845 -53.7 156 -61.4 689 -51.5
Feb.2009917 -24.9 248 -26.5597 -23.2 127 -30.4 470 -21.0
Jan.2009579 -38.3 125 -26.0414 -39.1 72 -47.3 342 -37.0
Dec.2008894 -27.3 232 11.9645 -26.1 115 -32.9 530 -24.4
Nov.2008802 -12.5 126 3.9607 -13.9 114 -42.9 492 -2.4
Oct.20081037 47.2 302 242.0564 5.0 150 14.7 413 1.9
Sep.20081729 10.3 164 2.71287 4.8 287 24.9 1000 0.2
Sep.2008 Lehman Brothers filed for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on September 15.
Aug.2008928 -0.3 153 14.0652 -3.8 152 26.4 500 -10.3
Jul.20081155 42.3 206 93.9847 38.6 254 64.2 593 29.9
Jun.20081208 -11.7 245 44.0811 -23.8 184 -16.1 627 -25.8
May.2008783 -25.2 84 -12.7606 -23.2 151 -17.0 455 -25.0
Apr.2008760 -8.4 76 -3.3584 -14.2 164 5.2 421 -20.0
Mar.20082551 6.4 437 -0.41825 6.0 405 34.8 1420 0.0
Feb.20081221 18.4 337 45.9777 8.9 182 32.9 595 3.2
Jan.2008938 -2.5 169 36.0679 -11.8 136 -19.4 543 -9.6

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

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